8 weeks after the cast

It’s too bad the resolution on YouTube is so diminished; this is actually taken in HD but you’d never know it.  Regardless of the quality, here is a quick clip of him taken 8 weeks after his cast was taken off.


I was on the phone with my brother this morning, just chatting. We talked about that I had gone on an early morning run near my house, while he went for a walk near his. The conversation switched to friends from our hometown, family, etc.

A few minutes later he asked “how’s the walking going?”. I was confused; we had already talked about his walk this morning. No, he meant our son who 8 weeks earlier was in a spica cast. I told him the 8 weeks with the cast off following the 8 1/2 weeks that he had it on just flew by.

It’s not something that comes up in a regular conversation any more; I’m happy to say that most days it’s just a topic of something that happened in his past.


One Response to “8 weeks after the cast”

  1. Corine Says:

    Hi Barbara. I just wanted to THANK YOU for all the time you put into your blog about your son in the hip spica.

    Our 6 year old (40lbs) son Joey broke his femur mid-August. We have been going through a very similar scenario to yours: the nightmares, sleeping in our bed, transportation issues, lack of time for mom. The x-rays have been the most unsettling thing for us because 3 weeks post fracture, the bone doesn’t look like it’s lining up at all. It would have been nice to have someone explain to us beforehand that that was all part of the plan.

    So, when we found your blog, we felt so much more comfortable with the progress and we feel much better about what to expect post-cast. Every parent should be handed a booklet or something on what to expect with every type of injury, but then I guess every kid is different.

    16 more days for us until the cast comes off and rehabilitation starts. How is your son now? Hopefully it’s all a thing of the past.

    Thank you so much.

    Ontario, Canada

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